Developer(s): Gen Games Club
Platform(s): PC, Mac
Genre(s): First-person shooter, Horror.
Release Date: January 18th, 2020
Project Length: 14 months
Engine and Tools: Unity 3D, Github, Google Docs, Google Drive, Google Slides
Roles and responsibilities:
Level Design
Level Design
- Blocked out and designed Episode 1's environment.
- Marked and placed items and spawns (e.g., enemies, audio logs, etc.).
- Drew map layouts for levels in Episode 2.
- Hosted and facilitated meetings with news and updates, prompted progress reports and delegated tasks to members of respective departments based on priority.
- Prepared notes and slides for meetings.
- Took notes during meetings.
- Problem solved issues between departments with troubleshooting.
- Mediated members whenever conflict was arising.
- Kept members on track with their departments and objectives.
- Coordinated and worked with members of all departments.
- Met and discussed with others in executive meetings regarding the management of projects and tools.
- Wrote parts of Episode 1 progression.
- Co-wrote Episode 2.
- Wrote some of the email texts and audio log dialogues for Episodes 1 and 2.
- Wrote and fleshed out some of the characters to fit with the game setting.
- Brainstormed mechanics (e.g. random environmental triggers that lures enemies).
- Devised new enemy types with unique interactions (tendrils spreading to sense the player) for later Episode(s).
- Analyzed similar games for inspiration (Amnesia: The Dark Descent's insanity mechanic, Bioshock/System Shock logs and atmosphere, etc.)
This game's scope was to be spread across 5 Episodes and sought to give player limited agenda, atmospheric sound design, and inconsistent enemy encounters to ensure a subversive horror experience. The level design around Episodes 1 and 2 had bi-directional and modular level design in their respective segments whenever they best fit with the narrative and the enemy encounters. Episode 1 was completed and published while Episode 2 was going through development hell until October 2020 when the project was shelved indefinitely.